Long-term services and supports (LTSS) program
Through our long-term services and supports (LTSS) program, Wellpoint helps older adults and people with disabilities to live independently. We help coordinate services and supports, increase access to self-directed options, and provide them with a single point of contact to navigate complex systems of care. Tennessee is the first state in the country to develop and implement a home- and community-based services (HCBS) program that is specifically geared toward promoting and supporting integrated, competitive employment and independent living as the first and preferred option for all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
In Tennessee, we increased the percentage of members receiving services in the community from 19% to 40% and reduced the percentage of members in nursing facilities from 81% to 60%.

Older adults and adults with physical disabilities
Join the CHOICES provider network
Thank you for your interest in joining the Long-Term Services and Supports network for Wellpoint! Please use the Joint MCO Universal Application for your review and completion to join our CHOICES provider network. Once completed, please email the application and requested credentialing documents to tnltssprovidercontracting@wellpoint.com to initiate the inquiry process.
If you are interested in joining the ECF CHOICES provider network, or both the CHOICES and ECF CHOICES provider networks, applying and credentialing must be completed by the Tennessee Department of Disability and Aging (DDA). Instructions for joining are available on our Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) program page or by accessing the link below and following the application instructions.
Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD/LTSS Program)
Join the Employment and Community First CHOICES (ECF CHOICES) provider network
On February 1, 2023, the Tennessee Department of Disability and Aging (DDA) began the credentialing oversite for any initial application received for the TennCare CHOICES and Employment Community First (ECF) programs. If you wish to participate with Wellpoint for both the CHOICES and ECF programs, you will need to go to DDA’s website and complete a DDA application. Please contact DIDDProvider.Application@tn.gov to submit your completed application or if you have any questions about the credentialing process for CHOICES and ECF.
Currently, Wellpoint can only assess initial applications to join the CHOICES program. Once you are fully credentialed through DDA for both CHOICES and ECF, you can request an in-network contract with Wellpoint for CHOICES and ECF.
Enhanced HCBS FMAP: Long-Term Services & Supports
Provider tools & resources
- Log in to Availity
- Launch Provider Learning Hub
- Learn about Availity
- Precertification lookup tool
- Precertification requirements
- Claims overview
- Member eligibility & pharmacy overview
- Policies, guidelines & manuals
- Referrals
- Forms
- Training academy
- Pharmacy information
- Electronic data interchange (EDI)
Interested in becoming a provider in our network?
We look forward to working with you to provide quality services to our members.
Join Our Network